Don't just survive in uni.
Thrive - with the right grounding!
IDMC|Uni is a 3-month course to prepare you for the next 4 years and beyond.
Let’s face it…
Uni is not JC or poly.
If you thought your chem textbook was too thick for two years, you’re gonna get a new one every four months. If you thought Shakespeare was mind-blowing, wait till you read Jacques Derrida.
If you were getting stressed out over what uni course to choose, know that the decisions you make in the next 3-4 years will literally change your life.
And if you think Uni is tough (it is), the season after that is even tougher, with even bigger life-changing decisions (career? marriage?) and adulting responsibilities.
What is your anchor amidst the changes and challenges?
About Us
IDMC|Uni is our humble effort to help a younger generation go through a discipleship journey at a crucial point in their life journey.
We desire to equip young Christian adults, who are transiting into adult life in the wider world, to truly make sense of and own their Christian faith. Young adulthood is a very turbulent phase of life! Thus, by God's grace, we hope to help them grow deep spiritual roots, that they may be securely anchored as they navigate life. We also want to help them grow strong wings so that they might love God and others, soar for Jesus and advance the Kingdom.
About the Programme
At IDMC|Uni, we’re big on five things
Growing up as a Christian you may have heard it said regarding the Christian faith: “It’s not what you know, but who you know that matters”. Ask yourself: who is this God you are supposed to know? If the message of the Bible is as simple as “Jesus loves me”, why are there 1,189 chapters and almost 800,000 words in it? (By the way, for 1,300 years, the Bible didn’t have chapter divisions.)
Come and take a mind-blowing journey through God’s Grand Story in the Scriptures, find your story in His Story, and discover how timely and timeless God’s Word is in our time.
Relevant Modules:
Basics of Biblical Interpretation
Intro to Old Testament
Intro to New Testament
Spiritual Formation connects our theology to our spiritual experience and personal intimacy with God. Are you asking questions such as these: how do I read the Bible? How do I pray? How might I do devotions in the midst of busy uni life? How do I find spiritual community? How do I discern the will of God for the next step of my life?
We explore these questions in IDMC|Uni, and cap it off with a 4-day listening retreat. We trust you will be blessed as you commune with God and with each other.
Relevant Modules:
Basic Christianity
Spiritual Formation
Day with Jesus
Listening Retreat
Today, Christianity has a bad rap for being anti-intellectual. But why does this have to be the case? Some of the best minds in history – think Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, C. S. Lewis or Francis Collins – devoutly believed in God. Other critics think the Christian faith is an ivory tower, nice in theory but irrelevant to the real world which is messy, complex and ambiguous.
We invite you to begin the journey of thinking deeply about what you believe, and interpreting the world - your world - through the lens of truth! We challenge you to work hard and discover how Christianity makes sense of all of life. This is because the Christian worldview answers the big questions of life better than worldly alternatives can. Do you dare to believe that?
Relevant Modules:
What We Believe
Faith On The Frontlines
Everyday Christianity
The apostle James put it bluntly - faith without works is dead. There is no way to make sense of God and His Word without obeying what God’s Word says about living with a sense of mission. Ultimately, that’s what we all want - to live with a sense of purpose, to feel truly alive.
As Christians we have the immense privilege of partnering with God so that His Kingdom might be realised on earth as it is in heaven. This means we must roll up our sleeves and act: showing God’s love to the poor and downtrodden, shining God’s hope on the broken and lost.
At IDMC|Uni, we will provide you opportunities to plan and execute projects to share Christ and serve others. You will be transformed as you learn about and participate in God’s redemptive mission for the world.
Relevant Modules:
Evangelism and You
Outreach projects (New Life Community Services, Community Blessing)
Heart for the Peoples
Introduction to Missions
Everyone needs a guide in their lives, not least during critical transitions. You might be feeling disoriented and anxious, and that's normal – remember that God is working in you, during this time of change. We are committed to journeying with you. This shared journey is one of the ways God works!
The mentoring journey is optional. If you would like a mentor, we will try our best to pair you with one who has recently graduated within the same field of work or study that you are interested in. Your mentor will be able to guide you by introducing you to the marketplace, and check-in on your spiritual progress during the 3 months of the program all the way till December (the end of your first semester). We leave any further mentoring arrangements post-IDMC|Uni to the discretion of you and your mentor.
Our Stories
What story are you living?